The Father of Nation Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman

                               The Father of Nation   
Bangabandhu  Sheikh Mujibur Rahman

Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur  Rahman,  (19201975), The The nation's founder and first President (from January 11 to March 6, 1971). Tungipara village in Gopalganj District Sheikh Mujibur Rahman Was born on March 17, 1920. His Father, Sheikh squeeze Rahman serestadar Gopalganj civil court. Mujib was the third of six brothers and sisters. He was educated at the local primary school gimadanga. His primary education was interrupted for four years due to eye problems. In 1942 he graduated from the School of Missionary Gopalganj, IA from Calcutta Islamia College in 1944 and graduated BA in 1947 from the College.
The development of Leadership qualities in His school life. Gopalganj missionary school student AT The Time When He Was The Chief Minister AK Huq visited The school once (1939). Is heard, the Chief Minister's attention to the backwardness of the region organized demonstrations for the young Mujib. After passing matriculation examination was Mujib went to Calcutta Islamia College. From there, he passed the Intermediate and BA. In 1946, he was elected general secretary of the Islamia College Students Union. He was an activist of the Bengal Provincial Muslim League and the All-India Muslim League from 1943 was a member of the Council. H. He was politics. Come one, his devoted followers. 1946 general Elections, The Muslim League party Sheikh to assign The Campaign for Candidates in Faridpur district. India (1947), He Was admitted to The University to study law. However, the study could not finish. The Fourth class of employees to The University The legitimate demands of authorities in early 1949 on charges of inciting Him to forgiveness The demonstrations were expelled from The University. In 1948, Pakistan Muslim League Sheikh Mujibur Rahman The formation of The ONE Was The Main organizers of . In fact, the new jail in East Pakistan Awami Muslim League (1949), joint secretary in the office of one of the three active political career began with his election to the Sheikh. The two joint secretary Khandaker Mushtaq Ahmed and Rafiq Hussain AK. In 1953, East Pakistan Awami Muslim League Sheikh Mujibur Rahman was elected general secretary and held this post until 1966. In 1966, he became president of the party. Mujib in 1955 at the initiative of the secular character of the team to be the name of the term 'Muslim' are excluded. After 1947, as reflected in The Rise in Politics Was His secular outlook. Awami League leader Sheikh Mujibur Rahman, Minister for The Engage fully in spite of himself The CABINET (1956-58) resigned mantripade After Nine months of work only. In 1964, during the rule of General Ayub Khan of the Awami League, Sheikh Mujib had the courage to revive, although a ban on political parties in the country's political guru Suhrawardi for the restoration of constitutional rule under the banner of the National Democratic Front, a political alliance was back to work. His disillusionment with the idea of Pakistan has already happened. Pakistan is a member of the Constituent Assembly and the Legislative Council (1955-1956) and a member of the National Assembly (1956-1958) as well as the idea of him was that the attitude of the leaders of East Pakistan and West Pakistan Was Not The Feeling of equality and saubhratrtba. The first Language of Sheikh Mujib Was The inmates (11 March 1948). September 1, 1955, the Constituent Assembly of Pakistan on the question of his speech was notable Bengali language. The sheikh Mujibur Rahman addressed The mother tongue of Claim, "We Want to Speak English. We do Not know OTHER Any Language Not I know It does matter. If you can Think We Then Be ABLE to Bengal Express Speak English, But We Always Talk Bengal to. If you do Not Speak English to you, We're going to Out The Council. The Council But Will Have to Speak English. That is Our demand. " GIVEN In another speech on August 5, 1955, The Constituent Assembly of east to East Pakistan to Change Its NAME Sheik It is equally Relevant That spoke to protest: "Sir, Have you noticed That may, instead of The Bengal East Pakistan Wants to impose. We're Told That Claim Over and Over, [The] The Pakistan instead of [West] should Be used. 'Bengal', The TERM Has a history, a tradition of Its own ... '. In The early sixties The twentieth century of Sheikh Mujibur Rahman Was dominated by The Politics of. Sheikh Mujib's Awami League by extraordinary organizational skills, inter-party politics, free from some of the main currents of factions and was able to avoid. Hypnotic power of the organizers was to establish full control over the group, Sheikh Mujibur Rahman. In 1966, he announced his famous six-point program, and this was a six daphake us (Bengalis) free papers distributed. Daphagulo: 1. The federal structure of the state and parliamentary system based on universal adult suffrage introduced; II. All other matters except defense and foreign affairs of the federating units or transferred to the provincial governments; 3. Introduced a separate currency for the state or the capital of East Pakistan and West Pakistan to take effective measures to prevent smuggling; 4. Taxation powers transferred to the federating states; 5. Independence of countries in international trade; 6. Countries for the safety of his militia or paramilitary forces provided. In short, a new attitude toward politics through the program was unveiled. In fact, the six-point agenda was the de facto independence for East Pakistan. Members of all political parties, conservative programs were greeted with dismay The Generation That The young especially students, youth and working people creates a new awakening. Letters by The Six-point Agenda to challenge Him imprisoned The Government Ayub. Agartala conspiracy case against Sheikh Mujib and thirty-four people, a sedition case was filed. The case was officially called "state versus Sheikh Mujibur Rahman and the other '. Most of the accused in the case of the Pakistan Navy aircraft and Bengali officers and employees. The three of them were senior civil servants. Mujib was already in prison, he was arrested as a suspect in a number. Sheikh were accused in the case that he was plotting against the state of Pakistan in connivance with the other accused. According to the complaint East Pakistan with the support of Sheikh Mujibur Rahman and the other defendants were forced to cancel the plan. The move, however, was boomerang hit counter. Kurmitola in Dhaka Cantonment was a special tribunal that judged the case against the spirit of domination of the Bengalis in East Pakistan, Pakistan has stirred up strong emotions. Agartala conspiracy trial into a more developed and the whole nation, Mujib janamohini stood up to their leaders to justice. In early 1969, especially by the younger generation, who organized a mass movement that reached the Ayub government withdrew from the case in an attempt to avoid a civil war . Twenty February 1969, Sheikh Mujibur Rahman Was unconditionally released. The release of Sheikh Mujibur Rahman The next day, The All Party Student Council Ramna Race Course (Suhrawardi Udyan) ganasambardhanara Sheikh Mujibur Rahman organized in Honor of. Students at the party to force the Government to release Sheikh parisadai the political and social power proved to be the most effective. To fight on behalf of the Council minister Ahmed Sheikh 'Bangabandhu', was given the title. In him they see a reflection of the 3-year-old retiree leader of the Pakistani regime has spent more than twelve years in prison. Twelve years in prison and ten years under close surveillance by The Sheikh's own Independent Homeland Pakistan, But proved to Be a prison. In December 1970, The first general Elections held in Pakistan, Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman Was The Sole spokesman of The people of East Pakistan. Under his leadership, the Awami League in East Pakistan in the Pakistan National Assembly seats allocated 169 seats in the 167 (including seven seats reserved for women) won. The people in favor of the six-point theory of absolute mandate. His sole responsibility of implementing the six-point. Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman in East Pakistan on 3 January 1971 of representatives of all Ramna Race Course in The PRESENCE, and sworn in a solemn ceremony Was, The Constitution of Pakistan, They Will Not deviate from The Six-point. The circumstances Under, The military junta of General Yahya Khan and Zulfikar Ali Bhutto, the elected leader of West Pakistan, Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman, the center of the government was plotting to do. President Yahya Khan announced on 1 March 1971 the National Assembly to be held on 3 March, was suspended unilaterally. The announcement is the most comprehensive demonstration of Pakistan was on fire. CIT is the most comprehensive in terms of the non-cooperation movement called East Pakistan. He said the support of the entire province. During the non-cooperation movement (225 1971) in East Pakistan came under the control of the civil administration and the direction to him. He went on to become the de facto head of the province government. London's Evening Standard newspaper Daily words: 'Do not get the full support of the people of East Pakistan, Sheikh Mujibur Rahman, the authority was established. (Mujib) Rahman at Dhanmondi in the home of the British Prime Minister's residence, 10 Downing Street, in imitation of what is known today as the bureaucrats, politicians, bankers, industrialists and people from all walks of life are blocked. "(1 March 1971) March 7, 1971, Mujib racecourse That huge rally a million people in His speech marked a historic point in Turning The history of The nation. The elected representatives of Mujib failed to Transfer Power to His speech made ​​Against Specific charges the military authorities. At the end of his speech, said: "build castles in every home. So you have something that will have to deal with the enemy ... keep in mind, when given blood, more blood will, Inshallah, will free the people of this country ... This struggle, our struggle for freedom, the struggle to the struggle for independence. " Dume, President Yahya Khan and West Pakistan to Start Talks with His party arrived here on March 15. The leader and The next day The discussion began, Which lasted intermittently until The Morning of March 5. At this Time, There Was non-cooperation movement and constant strikes. Students and political leaders in March from the date of the Declaration of Independence had been and continued this trend. Pakistan's army launched Operation Searchlight on the background of the university, including the night of March 5 to continue the brutal rampage of students, teachers and innocent people are slaughtered. The Pakistani occupation forces continued for nine months genocide. Sheikh Mujib was arrested on March 5, was detained at Dhaka Cantonment and inciting sedition and rebellion charges were taken to West Pakistan. Before being arrested, declared the The Independence of Bangladesh in Chittagong in Broadcast transmitter, a wireless message for The EPR. His declaration is as follows: "This may Be my last message. Be the independence of Bangladesh. I call upon the people of Bangladesh, that wherever you are and whatever you have in the army of occupation to resist until the end. The last soldier of the Pakistan occupation army expelled from the soil and in the fight until final victory is achieved will continue. " Liberation Army crackdown That began on March 5 After He Was captured by Pakistan, Bangabandhu Time frame, however, in His absence, He Was President of The provisional Government, called The Government. The Liberation of The people's representatives in The Government on 10 April The Armed Forces The Supreme Commander of 1971. He Was. Throughout PERIOD The War of Independence of The Fighters, Sheikh Mujib's charisma and Energy as a source of inspiration and national unity. After Sheikh Mujibur Rahman of The Death, The Pakistani regime, World Leaders attempted to save his life. December 16, 1971 after the independence of Bangladesh from Pakistani occupation of Sheikh Mujibur Rahman was released from a Pakistani prison and 197 on January 10, he went to London as a conquered country prartyabartana. The country was flooded with joy and exuberance. Millions of people from all walks of Tejgaon old airport hero's welcome, he said. The new Republic of leadership and the future of the sources of uncertainty that clouds were gathered through a return to his homeland is removed. 197 daily The Guardian newspaper in London published an editorial on January 10, was told: 'Sheikh Mujibur Rahman at Dhaka airport pardapana grasping the reality was just one of the new republic. " Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman sbadhinatauttara short PERIOD The first of only three and a half years by Government led. Starting from scratch in a COUNTRY devastated by War, His Government Had countless further problems to deal with. In all of The Leadership of State and nation Bangabandhu building activities are important. The restoration of law and order, illegal weapons seized, freedom rehabilitation, communication rebuilding the war-opponents .He and most importantly protect the millions of hungry people to collect food for the many problems and challenges his government faces became vast . The formulation of a new Constitution, Sheikh Mujibur Rahman, despite further problems These, and He did coolest The Thing He Had Not Doubt done in ten months. Within three months, is The return of The Indian Independence. General Elections were held in fifteen months (7 March 1973). Bangladesh recognizes the one hundred and forty countries. Rating guidance of Bangladesh's foreign policy: "The friendship with all and malice towards none." In fact, all the important Mujib government introduced the basic state institutions. To achieve all this, despite the violent opposition from the left side of the war of liberation 'unfinished revolution' is considered to be holding weapons. As a result, the country is in an extremely delicate situation. Rapidly deteriorating law and order situation and the despair of the people there. Above famine (1974), and thousands of people had died. Sheikh Mujib, the guards formed a special security force to try to address the situation. Janamohini own image, he then went well in the name of protection of the single party rule and the fundamental rights guaranteed in the Constitution have been infringed, they said. Consequently, a lot of Sheikh Mujib became isolated and became the target of criticism from all quarters. Taking advantage of an unstable situation that the victim is a group of soldiers on 15 August 1975, he and other members of the family were in the house, killing all of them.



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